Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Reading Time

Dad is the headmaster of our Homeschool and Designated "Reader 'Aloud of all Textbooks"

Reading time is my FAVORITE.
I like science the best. The bears teach us about weather and seasons. I like snow. Wind is strong.

I like all the books. I like Mother Goose because the stories are nice when Dad explains them. They rhyme. The words sound alike and are fun to listen to. . .

Reading is the Core Value in the homeschool curriculm we've chosen (click here to learn about Sonlight Curriculum®.)

The primary reason we looked into and decided on Sonlight was their slogan, "It's the way you wished you'd been taught."

Children LOVE to be read to. With this curriculum, the children explore a wealth of great literature, and get to wonder and marvel at -- and ask (tons!) of questions about -- a world of fun, diverse places and interesting and important people. As our pictures show, the children LOVE it. Instead of learning history, social studies, and science via the memorization of facts and dates in a textbook, the "textbook" is a story that the kids will actually remember. Beginning at ages 4 and 5!

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